Wednesday 23 February 2011

actually week 8

ok, i mis-counted. i am actually at the beginning of week 8. i'm sure by now you are not surprised that i got the maths wrong. (again). however, i have really good news! although i have not lost one single pound in 3 weeks and my body fat % went unchanged in this last 2 week period, i have lost 8.5cm from my waist and 3cm from my upper arms since i began this journey 7 weeks ago. yessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! so all is not lost, i will live to exercise another day, in fact i will live to embrace exercise for another day, and hope that the gods of the scale will smile on me and get over themselves and just show me a few pounds of loss-encouragement. is that really too much to ask? and i can hear jc snickering, no dismissing me outright for even getting on the scale, but after a lifetime of scale abuse, i girl can't just give it up so quickly.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

week 7

ok, i have been negligent with my blog, but that is because jc has been working me out so hard that i have no brain left. i know i have touched on this subject before, but its true. for example, yesterday while i was attempting to train and really being just pretty pathetic , jc rather sweetly recognised how truely exaughsted i was, and we had a great conversation - all about training of course. i wanted to write about it, but i'm damned if i can remember anything we said. something to the effect of its alright because after all i am almost 50 and i just shouldn't expect as much from this tired body as, say, i would have at 35 or even 40. i have to stop, and listen, and respond because otherwise i will train myself into the ground and that won't do anybody any good. and, if i am too tired because i am not sleeping well, i won't loose any weight anyway. which, co-incidentally is just what happened. i didn't loose any body fat, or weight this 2 week period. excuse me, but that is really not fair. really? because i went away for 4 days and split a bottle of wine with my husband every night, i wipe away 2 weeks of hard work? not amusing, but very clear. no more wine for me for the rest of the 12 weeks. and lots and lots of lovely sleep!

Thursday 10 February 2011

week 5

OK I'M AWAKE NOW! so its, true, i haven't written in a while because, well because its all jc's fault. i have literally walked through the last two weeks in a complete haze. couldn't feel my body, and no brain. really no brain. i got on the tube for a meeting with my husband which he had reminded me oh about 10 times to bring the bank statements (because i warned him i was currently unreliable, as if he hadn't noticed). so, i put them in my bag first thing in the morning, so that i would not forget them.  then i checked for my oyster card in my bag before i left the house, like an organized person, because i own about 10 oyster cards already. i hobbled down to the station, got onto the tube, and about 7 stops down i start congratulating myself on how well i was doing, considering i could not feel my body as jc had killed me that morning. i looked down just to make sure i had it together, and of course, i had left the bank statements on the bench when i checked for the oyster card. the very same bench where i had left my husbands jacket he had asked me to bring when we met for the theatre two nights earlier. disaster. had to go home and retrieve them, making me very late to the meeting. and this morning, i couldn't divide 500 by 50. i mean, who messes that up? of course, i won't hesitate to say, numb brain aside, i am beginning to feel GREAT! i am stronger than i have been in years, i literally think my bum is made of, well, steel. and, although i am a rough piece of work in the mornings (and in general i am a smiley, happy morning person), i reach some unrecognisable, hyper-active ever-ready battery driven, obnoxoiusly optimistic thing by about 11 am and don't stop until 9pm. you may well ask if this is a good thing. i think my family is still working that out...